Monday, May 4, 2009

Three things that I love :

1. hanging around with all my bestest best frenssss!!!

2. i love music(walaupn x taw lirik, name band pn xtaw even tajuk lagu pn kdg2 taw!! men dgr jek!!)

3. futsalll!! walaupn taik jek men!!

Three people who make me laugh :

1. my frens(syahir, emeerul,amir,razin,alep etc.)

2. yaya!

3. Nurul Atikah Zakaria

Three things I hate :

1. blood!!

2. blood!!

3. bloodd!!!!!!!!

Three things I don't understand :

1. ayam ke telur ayam dulu ek??? musykillll

2. why am i so scared of blood??

3. why 1+1=2???why not 3(xde idea snanye)

Three things I'm doing right now :

1. playing some music with my guitar..

2. sitting in front of this laptop(bertemankan sayup2 bunyi music jazz)

3. makan kerepek pisang!! nyamnyam!!

Three things I want to do before I die :

1. mengucap(tiru iffah) mmg kena pn ngucap..nk masuk syorga!!

2. kawin!! i wishh to get one gurl that really baek n pass all my terms and regulations!

3. nak tengok all my fren bahagiaaa!!! esp syahirrr!!! cian deeee!!

Three things I can do :

1.laughing loudly eventhough ade masalah gile besar tahap gaban!!

2. ley mengelak dr dmarah ibunda dgn senyuman penuh maknaa!!!!heee

3. driving without license(automatic)

Three things I can't do :

1. mengorat!! gler sucks bab nih!!

2. tgk gurl ngss!! cairrr!!!

3. study BIOLOGY!!! BORINGGG!!

Three ways to describe my personality :

1. happy go luckyy

2. not easy to get angry

3. tp ble dh start marah heee... lambat gler nk cool downnn!!

Three people to tag :

1. syahir

2. emeerul

3. amir